- 破壊{はかい}[破滅{はめつ}?滅亡{めつぼう}]を避ける
avoid destruction 意味
- beginning with a fire arising from the 1336 conflict between masashige kusunoki and the ashikaga army , the above-mentioned buildings were all completely destroyed by numerous fires but the ho-o-do hall has miraculously managed to avoid destruction .
建武 (日本)3年(1336年)の楠木正成と足利氏の軍勢の戦いの兵火をはじめ、度重なる災害により上記の堂塔は廃絶し、鳳凰堂のみが奇跡的に災害をまぬがれて存続している。
- "avoid delay in shipment" 意味
- "avoid delays in the reform" 意味
- "avoid deliberate exchange rate policies" 意味
- "avoid dependence on" 意味
- "avoid dependence upon" 意味
- "avoid destruction of natural resources" 意味
- "avoid detection by antivirus software" 意味
- "avoid detrimental treatment" 意味
- "avoid difficulties in the independence campaign from" 意味
- "avoid dependence on" 意味
- "avoid dependence upon" 意味
- "avoid destruction of natural resources" 意味
- "avoid detection by antivirus software" 意味